Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Detecting Camouflage using Satellites

"Detecting Camouflage using Satellites"

Satellite can scan for a given region or location to detect camouflage zones

Detecting camouflag zones helps in defence systems

Detecting Camouflage can be applied on
1) Man made objects
2) Organisms
3) Submerged organisms (Under ocean organisms)
4) Plants

Under ocean organisms can be scanned for camouflage using
1) Satellite
2) Submarines
3) Ship

Satellite scan can be described as shown below
1) Satellite can scan for a given zone or location
2) Satellite can produce camouflage suspect zones
3) Camouflage suspect zones can be manually analyzed using visuals(Image/Video)
4) Camouflage suspect zones can be further analyzed based on change in patterns

Satellites can perform continuous trace as shown below
1) Continuous trace of camouflaged man made objects
2) Continuous trace of camouflaged organisms
3) Continuous trace of camouflaged submerged organisms
4) Continuous trace of camouflaged plants

Detecting Camouflage using Satellite helps to identify unknown camouflage source

Detecting Camouflage using Satellite helps during emergency and
disaster scenarios

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